Saturday, March 1, 2008

Q1 Video is Going Well... and Foxtrot is on a roll!

Michael and Steven are working diligently on the pre-production for the second part (puppets) of the Question One video. It has been a challenge due to the scope of the video, but it has been a labour of love. Last weekend pre-production moved along well, along with the past week. The puppets are nearly complete, the sets have been chosen and the storyboards are complete. This weekend is being used to build the final sets along with completing props and polishing the directors notes. Shooting is now scheduled for March 8 and editing for March 9, however some of the shooting may occur during this upcoming week. Once the editing is complete the video master will be submitted to broadcasters and posted online in late March. This will be the most ambitious video Cavan Line Films and Leo Rampant have produced. There are a lot of people helping out with this video and everyone here at Leo and Cavan are ever grateful. This video could never have progressed the way it has without the assistance we have received. Thank you!

On top of this production, The Hayes Brothers are beginning pre-production on the final video from the "Prelude" CD compilation. It is for the song "Foxtrot". This video will consist entirely of stop-motion animation and the animation is scheduled for March 28, 29 & 30.

Wish us the best. There's lots more ahead.

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