Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Question One Video

Wow! Christmas sure is coming up fast! It's like it snuck up on us.

Canada (the home of Leo Rampant) was hit hard over the last few days with a lot of snow. More than usual this time of year. Actually, for the last couple of years we haven't had any snow for Christmas. I guess this is nature trying to catch up.
So! The music video for Question One will be ready in time for the new year. No date is set yet, but we hope to have it done by February, and give it airtime on the tele. It is a far out concept that we won't reveal yet, but we guarantee it will be fun to watch and listen. The live action parts were shot in July and the animation is set to begin production in January. The vid is produced, once again, by Cavan Line films, an offshoot of Cavan Line Entertainment (who own Leo). It is owned and operated by Michael and Steven Hayes. You know them. The house producer and the guy in the "Quietly Losing Control" video.

Here is the cover image we will use on the Leo site and some production photos.

Friday, December 14, 2007

In The Pipeline

Hey guys!

There's so much going on with Leo right now. Were on the vurge of breaking into the commercial market.

Matt Hughes music video "Quietly Losing Control" (directed by my brother and me) is getting video play in Canada and Matt Hughes and I are working on a single under the artist name Onleed. This new single will be available on vinyl very soon. Watch out for that.

My brother and me are also working on two more music videos. One for "Question One" (Matt Turner) and "Foxtrot". These should be ready in early 2008.

It's also my birthday today and I've received some wonderful greetings from everyone. Thanks for that.

- Michael Hayes

Blog On!

Leo Rampant Music is now blogging with the best. We will post some fun and exclusive news on this blog space! Not only this, but we will also post musings of the labels curators. The musings could relate to Leo, their artists, or we may even discuss our favourite movies. The sky is the limit.We hope you come back often. We are just getting started.

- The Leo Rampant Team